Thursday, 5 June 2014

Short Stories in Progress!

Our Grade 9 students finished off their year with a unit on What is Beauty?  If you check out their blogs you will see that they have included a number of posts related to the topic:
  • They chose an image and and wrote a post explaining their idea of beauty. 
  • They listed qualities that they feel are related to their definition of beauty. 
  • They chose a poem that "spoke" to them about beauty and then did a short analysis of the poem.
  • After our study of the elements of short stories - the students created a Vine video and used that as their starting point for writing their own short stories.  Once they had completed a story planner and chart - they had the choice to write their own story or work within their group to create a story together.  An image and music were also to be added. 
We're running out of time - but please read our blogs...and see what has been completed to date...

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Short Stories on your Blog...Extra bits to deal with!

Added bit - as you write your story...Can you include something, even just a little something that relates to our theme of "beauty"?  Could it be a character's name? Could some part of the description of your characters, or setting include "beauty"?  Could it be included in your title?