Thursday, 18 September 2014

40SC Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

Pre-Reading Activity...

Respond to the following question: "What is poverty, and who experiences it?"  Answer as a comment on this blog - please include your name.

Listen to the "linked" interview with Frank McCourt


  1. When people think poverty, we think homeless people or people who live in underprivileged countries. While this is true, we don't realize how many people around us also live in poverty. People who have debts, often people with student loans live in poverty because they have so much money to pay back. Some of the people who immigrate to Canada or other places , who are maybe coming with kids or family live in poverty. There`s so many reasons people live in poverty. It is more than just people in poor countries. Poverty is when all your basic needs are not being fulfilled­.

    - ML period 1

    1. Excellent response've discussed things at both a local and global level and then defined poverty at its most basic level.

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  3. Poverty means lacking of the things people need in a daily basis. For example, food storage, lack of houses and even water storage. People who experience this are those who don't have jobs, no enough money to sustain the needs of his/her family, and it's all because of not having a good education. Poverty, really, is something that is happening in various countries. One main reason is because of the government and it can be also because some people chose to just go easy on things, to just be lazy. That is my opinion about poverty.

  4. Poverty is when a country, city or group of people are so poor that they can't even afford basic needs which causes starvation, homelessness and illness. Poverty is experienced by third world countries and unemployed people.

    B.M. period 1

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  7. People in poverty are people that can barely afford anything. These kind of people usually lack education, they have an illness or drug problem, they're just straight up lazy, or they're immigrants that cant get their citizenship. These type of people are on the edge of being homeless, most people in poverty are homeless. Their life is a struggle, they have to salvage everything and anything they have in order to survive. Actually some people in poverty have to share a two bedroom home with eight other people in order to survive because they simply can not afford to do it themselves.

    - AH P1

  8. Saundra Heather Voss23 September 2014 at 13:52

    Poverty is when you are really poor where you can't afford the needs like food, clean clothes, shelter, and others you need to live. People who mostly experiences this mostly live on the street and don't have jobs. Or in the other case the area's that have poverty don't have the right earth to grow things and don't have money to ship things in

  9. Poverty means not able to afford basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. People who do not have income or whose income are not enough to meet their everyday needs experience poverty. Poverty prevents kids from finishing school which make it harder for them to get a good paying job. In order to survive, most of them get involve in gangs and crimes. They live in the streets begging for money or food. Coming from a country where poor really means poor, I guess people who are considered poor here in Canada are still lucky compare to those in my old country.

  10. I think poverty means that you are unable to supply yourself with basic needs like food, water and shelter. I think poverty means that you are lacking a sufficient amount of money to provide the basic needs of life for youself/ your family. Most people experiencing poverty are those living in poorer countries because their basic needs are harder to obtain while for us, it is very easy to get clean drinking water. People who experience poverty aren't just those living in poorer countries but are also living here around us.


  11. I think poverty is about other people who are poor, they do not have enough food and clothes and no a place to call home. To make things worse rich people who are not poor say people that are poor are weak, pathetic, hopeless, why are you here. They treat them like an animal, call them disgusting, make them feel alone, mistreated and worst of all they discriminated against them as human beings.

    I have hated that no other people who see what is happening and it makes me sad and mad that they are not doing anything to help them.

    Here is a question for you, Why are other people not helping or fixing this problem?

    1. Because no one wants to see how the other's suffering, if they are comfortable (the ones that have a lot of money) why they would worry about who is not?(the many that have nothing)


  12. Poverty is when someone or individual person experiences in there life. Poverty is a thing when you have little or no money . This can happen if someone lives in a poor country or have no job to support their needs. J.B. not Justine Bieber p1

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The definition for poverty is when people don't have what they essentially need in order to care of themselves. Examples include: not having a house (homelessness), no food, no money, and no clothes to wear. Poverty occurs everywhere around the world but appears to be more common in countries with high populations and in underdeveloped countries.
    Period 1

  15. Poverty is not having money for basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. People that experience poverty are all over the world. Such as people with no jobs in Canada or the U.S, People in foreign countries experience poverty because of their way of living and democracy. That is why people immigrate to North America to start a new and better life.
    J.V Period 2

  16. When we talk about poverty, the first in my mind is that the poorness and illness, such as homeless and beggar. And someone maybe doesn't have money to continue to support their life anymore, like bankruptcy. Those people need worried about food and place problems everyday. On the other hand, I was think the poverty exists not only in material, the poverty is also present in spirit.

  17. I think that poverty is not being able to meet the basic needs of life. People all over the world experience poverty. It is obvious that some people are living in poverty (ex. Homeless people) but for others it isn't obvious. The person beside you may not look it but they could be living in poverty. Many people have gone through or are currently living in poverty, it is not just a problem for 3rd world country's it is a global problem. People live in poverty for many reasons.

    - S.P Period 3

  18. fatima shire

    Poverty is when you lack basic things for living, such as: food,cloth,shelter and stable income,
    but more importantly, poverty is when you lack safety. Poverty isn't limited in a certain place or certain people, people we meet in our daily life can experience poverty, either by losing a
    job or a house, and many other factors can lead to the same result

    Period 3

  19. I believe that poverty is when people cant afford their basic needs for life like food, clothing, and shelter. All types f people can experience poverty for many reasons. there is poverty everywhere around the world even in richer countries, for example, the U.S is the most powerful country in the world yet, there is homeless people and beggars all over the country.

    Najma Period 3

  20. I think that poverty means that you aret able to supply yourself or your family with every day things like food, water, clothes, or sometimes in bad cases a roof over your head. But even though people think poverty as being poor some of the richest people can be in poverty also but media can't show it due to the fact that those people have connections to keep it a secret. Poverty can happen to anyone and sometimes the least people you expect can be in poverty. JC Period 1

  21. I think that poverty is when people don't have money to have food, water, clothes, shelter. People all over the world experience poverty in Canada, United States, U.K. and other countries. People in Winnipeg experience poverty (homeless people) and it is really bad. E.L. Period 2

  22. poverty is the lack of material possessions or money. absolute poverty refers to when people are deprived of basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, health care. poverty is an issue that is present in every major country both developed and underdeveloped, we need do what we can to prevent poverty and help those in need.

  23. I agree with Susan, Poverty's bad

  24. Poverty is the when you cannot get the basic necessities of life such as clean water, food and shelter. Those who cannot afford these things can be anyone with no restrictions of gender,race, or religion but those in third world or underdeveloped nations are more often thought of when it comes to the term poverty. Although well developed places like Canada or England are more well off when it comes to money individuals can still suffer with the lack of basics that others have. NicoleP Period 2

  25. Poverty is when you cant afford the basic necessities, poverty is found all over the world especially in Africa. People who live in poverty tend to be more depressed and stressed due to the fact they can't afford the things they need to live. Poverty is taken for granted because so many people in rich counties don't acknowledge the problem because they don't have it so it's not helped. Poverty is when someone has little to no food, water, money, or shelter. Poverty is created by the government because of the lack of jobs and lack of help given to the people who are suffering in poverty. K.T. Period 2

  26. Poverty is a situation when someone cannot afford the basic needs for life. Why people are living in poverty is usually because they do not have enough money to support themselves or their family. Poverty is found all over the world and it's around more people than they think. Poverty is not uncommon in Canada either, 14% of Canadians don't make enough money to survive on and CBC news says around 200,000 people are forced on to the street each year. Poverty is a situation that everyone thinks so little of, but it's a bigger problem than most of us think -ZL

  27. Poverty is when someone is unable to meet their basic needs such as food, clean water, clothing, and shelter. Poverty is commonly experienced in places like Africa, India, Philippines, Mexico, etc. In my opinion poverty doesn't always happen just in third world countries but also in the community around us. As simple as not being able to eat 3 square meals a day is a sign of poverty and having no access to shower daily because they have no where else to go happens everywhere around us wether we live in Canada or Africa. Poverty affects everyone. -M.T period 3

  28. Poverty is when people are unable to have there basic needs fulfilled. Normally we think of the physical effects like lack of food or bad shelter, but what about the human right to freedom and all that encircles. Such as being able to move freely, if you are poor then you might not be able to move around as you please. Or you may feel oppressed and not feel like you are able to speak your mind or use your right to free speech. I know that these may not be as necessarily as important as the physical things that happen but these are not covered very oftes so i thought it would be important to add.

    1. Also as a side point, if u try to publish with something you need to sign into, when you click the publish button, it will sign you in, delete your work and not actually publish anything. So copy your work before you publish to be safe.

  29. Poverty is when you can not afford most of the things you need in order to live a healthy, good life. Another way i could try to define it is someone who doesn't have running water or enough food to provide for themselves and also to thier family.

  30. In my opinion, poverty is when you do not have all of the basic needs to survive in a healthy manner such as food, water, shelter, good health, etc. The important thing to remember is that poverty can happen to anyone at anytime. It's also very hard for many people to escape the cycle of poverty so many people born into it will stay in poverty for their whole life.

  31. Poverty is where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met. Many people in different countries live in poverty, especially in developing areas of Africa, Latin America and some parts of Asia. But there is also people in poverty that lives in developed countries such as Canada

  32. Poverty is when people lack money or possessions and or lack basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter etc. Poverty is a issue in our society and we need to do what we can to help. LR

  33. Poverty is the inability to sustain basic needs, such as clothing, shelter, food, water and education. Things that we often take for granted. This can happen in the blink of an eye, regardless of your socioeconomic status. This may contribute to why we often view the homeless as invisible.

  34. Poverty can depend on a number of different factors. Poverty can be when you don't have enough money to buy your basic needs to survive properly. But poverty can also be someone going through college and spending their money on their studies, & not on basic things they need.

    1. I agree with your response :)

  35. poverty is what is affecting lots of people around the world today. someone or an individual person might experiences this in there life. poverty is when you have no money for basic things.

    1. I agree with your statement 100%!

  36. Poverty is when you lack basic things for living, such as: food,cloth,shelter and stable income,
    but more importantly, poverty is when you lack safety. Poverty isn't limited in a certain place or certain people, people we meet in our daily life can experience poverty, either by losing a
    job or a house, and many other factors can lead to the same result. K.S. Period 2

  37. Poverty is when you do not have the basic needs like food/water. Poverty is all over the world even in Canada. A.P period 2

  38. poverty is having less then nothing to the point of just wanting to survive who dose poverty affect well in my opinion it affects everyone

  39. Poverty is the state of being extremely poor, which in turn leads to not being able to afford many of lifes basic necessity's. Many people are experiencing poverty everyday, people you pass on the sreets, people you may work with, go to school with, poverty isn't a picky mistress. AP~ Period 2

  40. Poverty is when a family or a single individual lacks basic needs such as food, clothes, shelter and a good constant income of money. Poverty affects people that live in third world countries and it also affects people that live in cities. Period 2

  41. -R.J.W.s:- I think that poverty is all over the world it can happen to anyone. The rich can become poor and poor to rich. Poverty is when you have a little money or nothing at all. People in poverty can barley afford there needs like food, water and a house never mind the wants. A rich person can buy what ever they want but if a rich person were to loose all there money then they would enter poverty with the poor.

  42. i think poverty is all over the world not all people can afford wants and needs and the people who can, abuse the fact that theirs people less fortunate then them and don't think about how they can help the community or the world well try to help the world in anyway. who experiences it is the people that are very poor and cant provide for themselves or their family poverty can happen to anyone.

    n.f period 2

  43. I think poverty is when people have little to no money to survive their daily lives, poverty is also not having enough food to survive, or not having clothes that fit properly, and homelessness is an effect of poverty.

  44. poverty is not having enough money to support yourself and family and give them the stuff that they need. poverty is everywhere and is experienced by many espcially in the poorer countries
    d.h per.2

  45. i think poverty is considered living in places with war or little access to fresh food and water, and no real education. khb p2

  46. Poverty is about not well attending our basic needs which should be a right that everybody could be able to do. But as well there are few people with a lot of money, many ones can't even afford a meal living hard, suffering and starving.
    The sad part is poverty isn't just about money, but about acts and feelings, I mean, as a person is disrespectful, negative and without any compassion, his or her soul lose some of it's value and it is the worse poverty; money and material things just give us a way to bring us feelings but it doesn't mean it is the best choice.
    All of us can be as poor or as rich as we want, so it is up to us choose how we invest our lives.

    Julia, third period.

  47. Poverty affects most of the world today, poverty consists of families or individuals that are lacking the basic needs in there life which include food, water, clothes, shelter, money, etc. Without those needs life gets harder as the days go by - AJ - P3

  48. Poverty is the inability to meet the basic needs in life such as having decent living conditions, getting enough food to eat, having enough clothes to wear, etc. People that experience poverty are usually people that don't have jobs/jobs that don't pay enough, people that have major problems such as being alcoholics or drug addicts, people that can't work due to disabilities etc..

    -Isaac MD

  49. Thank-you for all of your comments related to the definition of poverty. Interesting that many of you spoke about basic needs, but I also appreciated the comments about people living in poverty and the reasons behind it (poor paying jobs, etc.). Also interesting - were the comments about the feelings and emotions that are related to poverty...

  50. Poverty is the inability to meet basic needs; whether it is housing, food, clothing, or money. If these requirements are not met it can be very difficult to find the strength or the motivation to do something about it. It is important to note that no matter where you grew up or where you are, Poverty is everywhere
    -Evan Waruk

  51. Proverty is about people not just living on the street is about who has money to get things and able to afford to get things they need it. Some people do have lack of food, water , housing and chllothing. Some People can't afford things what other people can afford things. Rose Marie Period 1
