Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Narrative Forms: Gossip, secrets and the pain they can cause...

 List both positive and negative ways that secrets can be used in relationships. What can you conclude about secrets? 


  1. Positive ways secret can be used in relationships:
    - avoid hurting other people (what you don't know, won't hurt you)
    - keeps some mystery between partners or friends
    - may help you stay away from trouble
    - avoid arguments

    Negative ways secret can be used in relationships:
    - taking advantage of people
    - self-interest
    - guilt and anxiety
    - lose the trust of the people you love or care for

    Secrets can be both positive and negative in a relationship. I think it depends upon your intentions of keeping a secret to your friends, parents or partner. Sometimes, people feel that their loved ones are not ready to know their secrets and think that it will not help but put a strain on the relationship. A person should weigh the pros and cons of keeping or revealing his or her secrets.The situation he or she is in will help him or her decide what to do.

  2. there are positive and negative in relationship family, friends and even partners. some positive are avoiding back stabbers, try to not bring drama to other people and stay away from the people dislike. some negative are judging other people of the looks they are and how they dress. being a bully to other people. talking bad be hide other peoples back and starting drama with other people. some secrets are kept from friends and love one or even family cause they don't know if they can keep their secrets to their self. it all depends on the situations of the topic. rose marie period 1

    1. You've made some interesting points Rose - ideas are focused. It's important to proofread your work so you've checked for punctuation, sentence structure, etc...

  3. Secrets can be good but sometimes but on a pacific person it could be bad. secrets need to be with a person you trust and also to yourself because if you tell it to the wrong person it could hurt the person who you are telling there are so many ways secrets can be good and bad the good part about a secret is not hurting the person you love and also avoid certain conversations with others. The negatives are to take control over somebody and to feel guilty inside for a really bad secret. P1

    1. Daniel, I think I get what you're trying to say. Please proofread before publishing - to check for spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, etc.

  4. The are good ways and bad ways secrets can be used in relationships.
    Positive: Hold onto a secret to protect someone you care about
    A secret about an upcoming event that will be a surprise
    Negative: When you keep a secret to intentionally hurt someone for your own benefit
    Hiding the truth that might jeopardize your relationship
    I think it depends on the situation or event whether it is good or bad to hold a secret.
    BM p1

    1. Your pros and cons are valid points... Please expand on your concluding thoughts.

  5. Pros :
    - there are no positives to secrets
    cons :
    - they could find out and it would create an even bigger problem
    - it could be something that could hurt their feelings or possibly ruin your relationship with them
    - if you have respect for someone, you would be truthful with them and not his things from each other
    - they could be waiting for the right time to tell you and its not okay to hide that you may know their secret

    I think that there should never be secrets with the people you care about. If you really love and respect them, you wouldn't be hiding things from each other in the first place.
    Every relationship, whether its with a boyfriend/girlfriend, family member or friend, is built on honesty and trust. If someone you have any kind of relationship with tells you something that you're not okay with, you have to talk to them. Its 4 million times better hearing someone tell you the truth then finding out and know that they kept secrets from you.

  6. negative: -blackmailing.
    -hurt someones rep.
    -get what you want.

    positive: -help someone solve a problem.
    -help solve a crime.
    -let someone know what's going on before something bad happens.

    secrets can be used as weapons against people you hate or dislike, or secrets can be used for fun and jokes.so I conclude the secrets are a consistent never ending part of human communication.

    1. A never ending part of human communication, yes - but because why?? Why do you think people choose to share others' secrets?

  7. Positives of keeping secrets:
    - I don't think there are any

    Negatives of keeping secrets:
    - Someone always finds out eventually
    - You could ruin the relationship or at least develop trust issues
    - When the person does find out, they may not hear it from you which makes everything worse.

    Honesty is key to a good relationship. Keeping secrets in a relationship is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in my opinion. Trust issues will develop and even if the person doesn't find out you still have it hanging over your head and the paranoia that comes with that. Its best to just be respectful and honest.

  8. Beca p.2 Nov 7 2014

    Secrets is all about keeping trust and relationships between two people for ever. but some times you have to be careful what secrets that you have or in a other words they will use it against you like doing black mail and torture on you.then it will be come like a war or feels like it as will then the trust and relationships will be destroyed.

    1. Trust in relationships is so very important Beca!

  9. Sometime whispering to people can be bad because other people can't tell if your doing something bad or not. John bulos

    1. When someone is telling a secret they only tell to individual people because they don't want other people know ing about it. They only tell people who are there closest friend and maybe family . Not all people can hear the secret because of the message the person is telling people .

    2. I'm curious about your comment about "hearing the secret"? More details required.

  10. Positive:
    -shows trust between two people
    -avoid hurting another person
    -avoid arugements

    -may ruin a relationship
    -taking advantage of people
    -trust issues
    -person finding out through someone else causing a bigger problem

    Secrets are all about trust. People tell secrets because they trust the person they are telling. Secrets go wrong when the trust between two people is broken. There are times when secrets are meant to be told to help someone, and sometimes secrets should just be left alone. I think that to avoid arugements and problems, there should be no secrets in the strong relationships you are in.


  11. Positivists would be things such as:
    Showing consideration by hiding what can hurts the other.
    Keeping the privacy of the one that trusted you

    Negativities would be things such as:
    Keeping what hurts you inside you instead of sharing it with the one you love.
    Being skeptical of the trust in the relationship.

    Secrets are double edge sword; they can help saving relationships if they were used wisely, or they can do the complete opposite! I think that the more you avoid having secrets the better it is, being honest is one of the main things that builds a healthy relationship and secrets can prevent that, since secrets, in many cases, lead to lies. Having a lot of secrets can create a wall between those who trust and love you. We also shouldn't forget that secrets can vary from simple things to huge ones that can cause pain. If you know how to use them wisely, then good for you, but that isn't easy as one may think!

    1. It truly isn't as easy as one thinks...because of the power one has as they hold onto a secret. You have chosen some interesting positives and negatives.

  12. secrets has the both negative and positive side, I think that it depend on the person who is keeping the secret and the person who chose to tell him. Also it definitely depend on the situation. secrets can build relationships and make it it stronger, but it can break another . the negative side of secrets that it can shake the trust between two people since it was build with one. some people with bad intentions may use secrets to take advantage of someone and use it for their own benefit. on the positive side keeping secrets strengthens bonds of any relationship by promoting trust. when you keep a secret, you protect the one you love, this make you trustworthy and a reliable person.

    1. I like the idea of keeping a secret - being about protecting the one you love...
      Please remember to capitalize first letters of sentences.

  13. secrets have positive and negative sides to it like secrets on side the positive can be that your letting all your thoughts out for the only person can hear and the negative side people can use secrets against you like blackmail and i think that secrets shouldn't be aloud to anyone if its bad but if its good then should be so that everyone knows the good and positivity.

    n.f p2

    1. There certainly is importance in letting your thoughts out and hoping who you've shared your thoughts with - will keep them in confidence. Proofread your work Nico for sentence fragments, and run on sentences.

  14. pros and cons on secrets,
    - well if someone tells you a secret, it means they trust you. Having someone trust you, can boost your self esteem like " Woo! Im trustworthy"
    - well its a secret, no body knows if you keep it to yourself.(if its something good, like having 43 million dollars)

    - not a lot people can keep a secret, people like to get into peoples buisness and they think they're the best like " I know that who ever is doing whatever "
    - it is hard to keep a secret sometimes, like " OMG I KNOW YOURE GETTING A PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS"
    - a secret needs to be kept sometimes, like when you break your cellphone and don't want to tell your mother. but it is a con.

    Secrets altogether are horrible things, but we all do horrible things. we all hide something

    AH, p1

    1. Interesting pros and cons...
      Concluding thought developing...

  15. Secretes can be good in relationships if it's for surprises to make each other happy or to keep an argument from getting worse. They can rarely be good for a relationship. Negative secretes are ones that you make up just to use as a cover story or to hide something. I can conclude that secretes are always going to hurt your relationship more than help it, also that secretes shouldn't be necessary if your in a healthy and happy relationship.
    -Brittany k

    1. Certainly hope that last point is true Brittany. Developing in depth.

  16. Positive
    avoid hurting another person
    -avoid arugements

    -may ruin a relationship
    -trust issues

    secrets can be both positive and negative, I personally am horrible at keeping secrets so I dont like them and think they do more harm than good because most of the time they come out on the end and make the situation worse
    -d.h p2

  17. Secrets can be used in good and bad ways like for a party when you don't tell them what the present is or bad like destroying a friendship so that's why I don't remember stuff

  18. I think that the positives of secrets is if it's a secret that can hurt some on its best the person doesn't know but at the same time it can be bad cause it can hurt the person

    1. Hurt seems to be a common theme with secrets - sadly. Please expand your thinking further Michael.

  19. Secrets can be troublesome, but they can break people apart and bring people together. The positive parts of having secrets are that they can be exciting and add new knowledge to your life. Not only that but the trust you gain from learning a secret allows less tension within the relationship. They're negatives to secrets, some secrets can seem untrue and you doubt if you're being lied to. The secret could be so shocking it could break a relationship apart. Personally I find secrets important because they're somethings you can't tell people. You are allowing personal information to be known and you have alright to tell someone no.

  20. Secrets have negative and positive ways it can be used in a relationship. Some positive ways it can be used is keeping a secret for someones happiness, for example a surprise birthday party. Negative ways it can be used would potentially hurt someone. For example someone spreading secrets about you that may ruin a friendship, or a partner trying to be truthful but doesn't think of how this secret would hurt someone in any possible way. In conclusion most secrets have negative outcomes more than positive outcomes.


    1. Sadly, you may be right about the outcomes Julie.

  21. Keeping secrets can both be positive and negative.
    Some positive aspects of keeping good secrets would be knowing a bad secret, but not telling someone because it's avoids hurting the person the secrets about. It can also help clear your thoughts if you just tell someone something.
    some negative things about secrets is that they can really, really hurt a person. Especially if it's petty gossip but can lead into something a lot worse. To me, secrets go with rumours. People just add on to the original secret and makes things a lot worse then it really is.
    Dakota M

    1. The petty gossip part is a good point...along with the idea of the harm of rumours.

  22. There are very many positives and negatives. Using secrets can cause lots of problems but when you keep secrets for good reasons they can cause happy things to happen e.g. when we use them to hide a birthday present from a friend. In a bad way, you could use it to destroy friendships and happy memories by keeping secrets from one another.
    Period 1

    1. Good points Bradley. Developing in depth.

  23. Positive ways keeping secrets could be used in relationships:
    - If you're getting someone a gift.
    - Build trust in one-another if you're keeping the other persons secret.
    - Other than that nothing really is a good reason to use a secret in a relationship.
    Negative ways keeping secrets could be used in relationships:
    - Cause someone to be untrustworthy.
    - Could hurt someone.
    - Keeping what hurts you inside you instead of sharing it with the one you love.
    - Not telling the other person if they do something that angers you about what they're doing.

    Secrets can both bring people closer and spread them far apart. Sometimes secrets help bring people closer together because these two people feel so much trust in each other that they're willing to tell their secrets to one-another. But secrets also they ruin relationships because if you keep something from someone you're in a relationship with then it will ruin all the trust you worked so hard to gain. So it's needless to say that secrets can make or break relationships. Period 2, KT

  24. I feel like secrets are a drug. It seems like it can be a double standard among people. But the truth is, a secret will never work out. I know people say that their are good and bad secrets. I think a secret is just a secret. When someone tries to keep a secret, everyone you know is really affected in a way. People can play with their cards close to their chest. Poker Faces. But in the end, of it, somethings just gonna slip, and the house will come down. Although, I believe, in another way. Secrets could be somehow good. I know how you can have a secret about a present for someone, a surprise. But When a couple, romantic pairing, or any relationship has had their own flaws. Everybody has flaws, so when a couple decides to lie to each other, and keep secrets. No matter how dark, or deep. I think if they can work through it. At least find a way to Really Love Each Other. Then, I have faith, I believe in the reality that they can become stronger together, and form that bond that a measly little secret, a nothing, was trying to diminish. A secret could make someone stronger when the cards come down, and fold. In a game of secrets, no one really wins. So, in my opinion, why make love, or life for that matter a game? Life is life, and love is love. Don't toy with life, love, etc. by playing games, and just trying to make everything foolish, and pointless. Its up to you not to keep secrets, or get yourself involved with stupid stuff. So just don't do that. Whis is the difference between a secret and a surprise, and how do they relate? I think that when a secret is used against someone, it shows weakness between all parties. Its foolish, don't even try to think about secrets as a weapon. They are already falsely lethal as is. Don't waste your time. And Like Fatima, and Najma Said, I think too, that secrets are a double edged sword, and they CAN be used to hurt someone, or to make people stronger. After that though, and the parties over, a secret can hurt someone, it can crack a mirror and cause people to just walk on shards of glass. But people CAN become stronger, and learn from their mistakes. Personally, I tried to keep secrets, or hold a load, and deal with personal problems, but one time it got too much for me. So I told the people I knew who would help. I actually thought I would be ignored. Although, no, I was listened too, and I was helped. Now I feel so alone. I am Stronger.
